Alaska is home to the Barren Ground sub-species of caribou which inhabit the boreal forest and tundra across much of the state. DRO offers a limited opportunity to pursue caribou in the rolling, sparsely timbered foothills bordering Denali National Park. We target bands of bachelor bulls of a resident nomadic herd as they transition from sub-alpine summer range to the valley floor where they will prepare for the rut and spend the winter. Bulls may be in velvet or hard-horned dependent on hunt dates and make a great trophy unique to the far north.
Our season runs from August 10th – September 20th simultaneous to our other hunts which can allow for multi-species combination hunting or an opportunity-based trophy add-on. Typical bulls harvested with DRO are 300”-350” with exceptional top points and double shovels common. We utilize comfortable tent-style drop camps accessed by airplane or ATV from our lodge. The vast expanses of tundra surrounding the Alaska Range continue to produce bulls in excess of 400”.
Hunting method is spot and stalk with significant time spent glassing. Utilizing the same guides, assets, and amenities that DRO offers with other species, a caribou may be a worth-while add-on to another hunt or a great introduction to hunting in Alaska. Hunters need to be in good physical shape for a caribou hunt, as walking in the brush and swamp can be very physically demanding. DRO will provide a gear list to ensure you come fully prepared with the proper equipment and expectations to make your hunt successful and enjoyable.